Clerk of the Board

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AdminBuildingKathleen Krause

Clerk of the Board of Supervisors
1115 Truxtun Avenue, 5th floor
Bakersfield, CA 93301
(661) 868-3585

The Clerk of the Board is responsible for the following:

  • Attending all Board of Supervisors meetings and recording official actions.
  • Maintaining records and indexes dating back to 1866.
  • Providing a variety of administrative services to the Board.
  • Receiving and processing all claims against the County.
  • Maintaining over 190 agencies' Conflict of Interest Codes and serving as Filing Official for more than 1,200 Statements of Economic Interests.
  • Maintaining records and recording actions of the Assessment Appeals Board and Special Districts under the control of the Board of Supervisors.
  • Maintaining official records of more than 70 advisory boards, commissions, and committees.
  • Administering oaths of office for board appointments.
  • Preparing the Board of Supervisors meeting agendas.

To help her efficiently and effectively perform her duties, the Clerk of the Board is assisted by one Assistant Clerk of the Board and five Deputy Clerks. The staff of the Clerk of the Board's Office look forward to meeting your needs.

Mission Statement
To provide exceptional customer service to the County and its citizens while preserving the past, recording the present, and providing accessibility to official County records and information.

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